eSM`Web - Changelog
v2.5 - 18 September 2015
- General : cleaning and optimizing CSS
- General : responsive design (compatible display for mobile)
- General : several themes available (view documentation) !
- General : reload button now spins when you reload block
- General : update jQuery plugin Knob to 1.2.11
- General : optimizing security (config file esm.config.json is now in the conf folder with an htaccess - check documentation if you're running on Nginx)
- General : add option to add custom title (esm:custom_title)
- CPU : retrieves correctly CPU frequency for Raspberry Pi
- CPU : add CPU temperature (+ option to enable/disable)
- System : little correction for getting distro name
- Swap : fix if swap is disabled (thanks to @Pixel__Art)
- Disk : add filesystem and option to enable/disable it (disk:show_filesystem)
- Last login : add option to enable or not (last_login:enable)
- Services status : adds protocol TCP or UDP for checking service status
- Services status : new option to hide port number (see show_port in services section)
v2.4 - 12 February 2015
- Network : rewriting the network module (some issues with Arch and old Ubuntu) (thanks to rthill and cappir)
- CPU : changes on retrieving CPU information (thanks to Nicolas01 and @robin_edw)
- Load Average : fix on recovery in the number of CPU cores (thanks to @robin_edw)
- Last login : the datas are retrieved differently
- Memory : fix on recovery the free memory (some issues with Arch)
v2.3 - 11 November 2014
- General : add favicon (thanks to smartshogu)
- General : change measurement to GB/MB/... instead of Go/Mo/... (thanks to @pontusohman and smartshogu)
- System : fix distro name for some platforms (thanks to Hugues Granger)
- System : fix on retrieve users (thanks to @Aaaaadrien)
- Network : fix on getting interfaces rates (thanks to @Aaaaadrien)
- Ping : returns 0 if there is no result
v2.2 - 21 October 2014
- General : syntax checking of the configuration file (thanks to Micht69)
- General : check PHP version (5.3+) (thanks to Gilles)
- General : add check_updates setting to the config file to enable or not the checking for updates
- General : add auto_refresh setting to the config file to automatically reload page each x seconds (thanks to sebastienserre and Aranud)
- Disk usage : fixes a bug when a space is present in the filesystem name (thanks to Hugues Granger)
v2.1 - 17 June 2014
- System : fix to get the distro name (thanks to @Aaaaadrien)
- Services : fix on service names with accent (thanks to @Albirew)
- Services : ability to specify a host for each service (thanks to @_noKid and mobidyc)
- Network usage : fix to retrieve the name of the network interfaces (thanks to @_noKid, @Aaaaadrien and @Albirew)
- Memory : the cached and buffers memory are added to free memory now (thanks to @Albirew)
- Load Average : taking into account the number of cores (thanks to icefo)
- Disk usage : new option to hide tmpfs mountpoints (thanks to mobidyc and @Albirew)
- General : remove all PHP short tags (<?=) (thanks to @PunKeel)
v2.0 - 15 April 2014
- Total redesign of the project
- More functionnalities
- Easier to install and configure
v1.0 - 10 January 2009
- First stable version