eZ Server Monitor

A lightweight and simple dashboard monitor for Linux

eSM`Web - Documentation


To use eSM`Web, you must have :

  • a Linux environment
  • a web server like Apache2, Nginx, Lighttpd, ...
  • PHP version 5.3+ (for PHP 7, you have to install php-xml)

The current version of eSM`Web has been extensively tested on :

  • Debian Wheezy (7) and Jessie (8)
  • Ubuntu Server 12.04, 14.04, 15.04, 16.04
  • Ubuntu Desktop 14.10
  • Linux Mint 17
  • CentOS 7.0
  • OpenSuse 13.2
  • Fedora 20 and 22
  • Mageia 4 and 5
  • Raspbian Wheezy for Raspberry Pi


After downloading the latest version of eSM`Web, unzip the archive into a directory of your Virtual Host.

Finally, on your web browser, go to the URL of your Virtual Host, in the directory containing eSM.

That's it !

If you are running eSM`Web on Nginx, you have to add these lines in your Virtual Host to secure ./conf/esm.config.json file :

location ~ /(conf)/ {
    deny all;


Out of the box, eSM`Web works perfectly but you can configure some modules. To do this, open the esm.config.json file located in the conf/ folder at the root of the project with a text editor.


In this section, you can define if the script will automatically checks if a new version is available.

    "esm": {
        "check_updates": true

You also can set the auto_refresh setting to enable the auto refresh of the page (in seconds). Default value is 0. It means there is no refresh.

    "esm": {
        "auto_refresh": 300

Several themes are available. Use the theme option to switch between different colors :

    "esm": {
        "theme": "green"
Available themes :
  • blue (default)
  • aqua
  • green
  • light-green
  • orange
  • red
  • light-red
  • purple
  • slate
  • light
  • dark

With the custom_tile option, you can change the title in the header block. Default is the hostname with LAN IP.

    "esm": {
        "custom_title": "John Doe's server"


You can define to show or hide the CPU temperature :

    "cpu": {
        "enable_temperature": true

If you have "N.A" in Temperature section of CPU block, install lm-sensors and detect the sensors with sensors-detect.
This may not work on all computers.

Disk usage

Here you can define to show or hide the virtual mountpoints (tmpfs) :

    "disk": {
        "show_tmpfs": false

By default, the filesystem is displayed for each mounted points. You can disable it with show_filesystem option :

    "disk": {
        "show_filesystem": false


Here you can define the addresses of websites to ping :

    "ping": {
        "hosts": [

Last login

You can define the maximum of last login entries to show :

    "last_login": {
        "max": 5

You can disable this module with the enable option :

    "last_login": {
        "enable": false

Services status

You can also change the services for which eSM must check the status :

    "services": {
        "show_port": true,
        "list": [
                "name": "Web Server (Apache)",
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 80,
                "protocol": "tcp"
                "name": "FTP Server (ProFTPd)",
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 21,
                "protocol": "tcp"
                "name": "Databases (MySQL)",
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 3306,
                "protocol": "tcp"
                "name": "SSH",
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 22,
                "protocol": "tcp"
  • show_port : if true, the port number will be shown next to the name
  • name : name displayed for this service
  • host : host name on which the service check
  • port : port number of the service to check
  • protocol : tcp or udp

Non-exhaustive list of services / port :

  • FTP : 21
  • SSH : 22
  • Telnet : 23
  • SMTP : 25
  • DNS : 53
  • Web : 80
  • Kerberos : 88
  • POP3 : 110
  • SFTP : 115
  • NNTP : 119
  • NTP : 123
  • SAMBA (SMB : 139
  • IMAP : 143
  • SNMP : 161
  • LDAP : 389
  • HTTPS : 443
  • MySQL : 3306

Do not forget to save the file after making any changes and reload the eSM`Web page on your browser !

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